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Lisa Beerntsen

Lisa Beerntsen

“The most enduring inspiration of my paintings is always from nature. Most often, and most specifically, this comes from the botanical world. I never tire of the varied forms of the plant world, continually marveling at their diversity, and their amazing ability to to adapt to circumstances — flourishing, or enduring.

Since 2002, when I moved (along with fellow painter Tony Speirs) to Sonoma County, I've become an enthusiastic gardener. This has made me feel connected with plants in a much more direct way, closely observing their transitions through seasons and phases of growth.

Over time, and sometimes on a day to day basis, my work varies in its degree of representation or abstractness. Often the plants in bloom in our garden (or seen hiking nearby) — along with the bugs & birds who visit them — find their way into paintings. In the more abstract work, there is the desire to go beneath or beyond the outward appearances of nature, getting closer to her processes. At that level I am aware of the nature of paint itself — its properties and behaviors — as mirroring other natural processes. I become interested in how various patterns & shapes reoccur in different manifestations, and different scales, from the minuscule to the immense.

As a method of working, I've been quite interested for some time in collage. I like to respond to something from outside of myself — combining that which I physically paint or draw with found or discovered objects and images. When these are photographs — I'm interested in how the different kinds of representation come together — creating a more layered space and meaning.

I'm also interested in the human desire — across time & cultures — to create pattern & design, embellishing the surfaces that surround us, from tiles to fabrics, clothing to wallpaper. Frequently, these designs, too, have been derived from imagery of the plant world. Sometimes I've included fragments of such pattern in my work through collage of fabric or wallpaper; at other times I've created them through stamp or stencil.”

See more of Lisa’s work and studio







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