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10-YEAR RETROSPECTIVE ARTIST & POET LISTINGMeghan Adler | meghanadler.comTodd Barricklow | toddbarricklow.com Akira Beard | akirabeard.com Lisa Beerntsen | lisabpaintings.blogspot.com Francis Berry | francisberry.com Libby Black | libbyblack.com Mary Black | maryblack.net BLT Collective | bltcollective.blogspot.com Nina Bovasso | ninabovasso.com Michelle Caplan | michellecaplan.com Cart Before the Horse | thecartbeforethehorse.com Rik Catlow | rikcat.com Alberto Cerriteño | albertocerriteno.com Margaret Chavigny | margaretchavigny.com Claire B. Cotts | clairebcotts.com Colin Day | studiodaybreak.com Lori del Mar | Conrad Wilde Gallery Matthew Doubek | krapmaster.tumblr.com Sharon Eisley | sharoneisley.com Holly Ellis | hollyellistattoo.tumblr.com John Fellows | johnfellows.net Darin Fenn | dfenn.com John Yoyogi Fortes | johnyoyogifortes.com Eliza Frye | elizafrye.com Evan B. Harris | evanbharris.com Sabrina Ward Harrison | sabrinawharrison.tumblr.com Leila Hijazi | illustratedinkart.com Laura Hoffman | laurahoffman.net Rolfe Horn | f45.com Erik Jacobsen | jacobsenart.com Yellena James | yellena.com Curtis Jones | curtisrayjones.com Mel Kadel | melkadel.com Scot Kemp Kevin Keul | kevinkeul.homestead.com Paul Kozal | paulkozal.com Caitlin Kuhwald | caitlinkuhwald.com Neil Seith Levine | neilsethlevine.com Daniel Jesse Lewis | danieljesselewis.com Aubrey Learner | aubreylearner.com Kerry Mansfield | kerrymansfield.com Vanessa Marsh | vanessamarshfineart.com Klea McKenna | kleamckenna.com Elise Morris | elisemorris.net Heather Patterson | heatherpatterson.30art.com Nate Petterson | natepetterson.com Kelly Puissegur | retrowhale.com Christian Quintin | christianquintin.com Graham Rodwell Valerie Savarie | valeriesavarie.com Tiffany Schmierer | tiffanyschmierer.com Mike Shine | shinelounge.com Tony Speirs | tonyspeirs.com Bob Stang | bobstang.com Robert Stewart & Eva-Lena Rehnmark | artseed.com Deth P. Sun | dethpsun.com Maggie Taylor | maggietaylor.com Colleen Teitgen | colleenteitgen.com Simmin Joy Terry | simminjoy.com Roy Tomlinson | roytomlinson.com Will Walker | wednesdayafterlunch.wordpress.com Helen Pruitt Wallace | helenwallacepoetry.com Marlene White | marlenewhite.com |
EK Allocation List BenefitsSHIPMENTS TWICE A YEARDirect sales are allocated exclusively to EK Allocation List members at a 10% discount. Orders of 6+ bottles save an additional 50% off shipping. New releases ship twice a year, once in the spring and again in the fall. CUSTOMIZED ALLOCATIONSYou may customize your spring and fall allocations any way you like, from 0–12 bottles of each wine. (Small-lot and list-only wines will have lower limits.) To modify your allocations, click on MY ALLOCATION above. REORDERSWines often sell out at or close to release, so we encourage making the most of your spring and fall allocations. As long as wine remains, you are welcome to reorder online through our EK Special Order store. Or contact John Gillis at john@erickentwines.com or 415.244.9453. |
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© 2024 Eric Kent Wine Cellars | All Rights Reserved | Photography by ArtSeed | Website by New Media Works |