Eric Kent Wine Cellars
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Tomé Zahar

Tomé Zahar


2017 The Pianist Pinot Noir

I was raised to see life as an art form, from painting cabinets to doing chores and dishes, by putting mindfulness into focus with each action “the way an artist would”, teaching me the beauty of zen within the hard work. 

After being nomadic for 10 years, with music as my main form of expression, I decided to come back home to California to give attention to the parts of me that may have lacked watering during that time and visual art was one of the pillars of my foundation as an artist that I felt called to come back to.

Along this journey, I found my love for working with recycled scrapped wood and the natural tones and aspects it carries within our relationship. For me, not only am I turning waste into art for our planet, but I find that wood works as a sponge to the energy I put in, therefor allowing me to pick up where I left off energetically, as well as for the observer to potentially pick up and feel the state of meditation or “vibe” I put into the piece. 

Each piece I create is infused with a meditation that the symbol, mandala or being represents to me. Giving a different alchemy to each one with time, detail, focus, and most importantly feeling that comes from it. Making it a piece of my “mana” that is meant to hopefully invoke the same feelings for you. 

Although I love working with color and know things aren’t just black and white, I find the beauty of working with both shades visually because of my belief of balance within the yin and yang, the light and shadow; and the growth we get from that work of balancing the two, give us a gold and silver lining. 

For me, accepting that Life is a balancing act within an oxymoron of waves, cycles and emotions; reminds me of the micro-macro perspective and when I’m too far in one. This is a practice that has helped me in the past and continues to help me accept life for what it is, when it is and I visually want to express this belief through my work and truly hope that it may help others along the way.

Visit Tomé's Etsy shop to purchase prints of his art. 

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