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Marlene White

Marlene White

I remember being a young child sitting in the back of my father’s Cadillac, feeling vibrations from both the radio and the cement highway. I allowed these vibrations to be echoed by the colors and movements I saw outside the window. It was music to my young deaf ears; it was art to my alert eyes. This was the beginning of my vocabulary of color. At this very early age, color became one of my most important resources. Painting has now become one of the most critical ways in which I express the complex emotions of my everyday life. Color has always been inextricably linked to my silence. For me, color is the silent but very loud place inside of myself; it is a pure expression of how I view and experience the word. Color is warmth, color is vibration, and color is energy. Color also has proved to be one of the only ways I have to share my silence with the hearing world.

Painting is an expression of the soul, an artist’s window into the deepest places imaginable. I am no longer a child, yet I find that I still use art as a way to understand my complex emotions and the injustice and inequality in the world. I see painting as a healing, cathartic, and therapeutic experience, while at the same time a very political form of activism. I want people to react when they see my art. I hope that it sparks discussion and questions that will eventually help them see the world differently.

As an artist, I am very interested in the evolutionary process of each of my paintings. I create my paintings in the studio with the company of my video camera, recording my painting process from start to finish using the stop motion techniques. I am fascinated with the idea of watching the dance of my own mark making, seeing each piece come to life. The interweaving of performance, time-based medium, and the act of painting has proven to me that a painting is more than an object to hang on a wall. Painting is itself a real, living, evolving entity.

See more of Marlene’s work and studio

Watch a video of Marlene's process and prepare to be inspired!







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